Domenico Di Sante
Office C004
Viale C. Berti Pichat 6/2
40127 Bologna, Italy
I am an Associate Professor at the University of Bologna. I earned a B.S. in physics at the University of L’Aquila in 2011 and a Ph.D. in physics in 2015. I subsequently was a postdoctoral fellow and young group leader at the Physics Department of the University of Würzburg (2016-2020), and a Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Center for Computational Quantum Physics of the Flatiron Institute in New York (2021-2023).
My research is focused on the numerical quantum simulations of the electronic properties of interacting material systems, with emphasis on topology and spin-orbit driven phenomena. I was the principal investigator of an individual Marie Curie fellowship which aims at using machine learning applications in condensed matter problems.